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Graphic design consultations

Graphic design consultations are available both in-person and online. After the initial consultation and contract negotiations have been completed and signed off the fun and work begins! Clients are presented with two initial design directions. From here logo and branding deliverables will be produced with two rounds of revisions to complete the project.

Clients can view my full graphic design portfolio at

Visual art commissions

Limited visual art commissions are currently open. Send us an email to to enquire.

I love to meet and chat with my collectors in person. It’s such a wonderful opportunity to connect and to collaborate.

Home/space visits can be arranged by appointment. Online and phone appointments are also available.

Commission include: watercolours both botanical and abstract, pen/pencil/ink drawings, tattoo design, and oil or acrylic paintings, of all styles and sizes.

Space visits are a great way to tailor art pieces that truly fit your home, your place of business or to create a boutique gift for a loved one. When I come to my clients’ spaces it gives them a comfortable opportunity to share their tastes and aesthetic. This really lifts a collaborative or commission piece to new levels. Treasured items and favourite colours are on hand which can all fit into the scheme of the artwork. There’s also the chance for myself as an artist to really see the space from an ‘outsider’ perspective (how do visitors to your home see the space and how will that impact the suitability of a piece for the space).

I’d love to chat with you!

Send me an email with any questions large or small and leave your phone number if you would like a call back.

Thank you,

Lynsay x