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Graphic design and contemporary visual art

We provide graphic design solutions for contemporary businesses and events. Lynsay’s visual arts explore and mirror life in contemporary Australia. From botanical art, tattoo design, portraiture, and abstract & figurative art pieces. Current work focuses on themes of beauty, motherhood, evolution, trauma, healing and community.


Intersections was born of a desire to shed another layer and within that shedding weave together the colours accumulated from the interactions and collisions I’ve had with the people in my life.

Each decision and each choice is a diverging of a path and the one that leads to self is seldom clear. With this series I’m dissecting this diaphanous web of interactions and distilling it to its essence. Who are we from moment to moment? What have we seen and what have we chosen to unsee? Which of our experiences will we allow to guide us, to push us forward? What can we discard now, with thanks?

Dissecting Intersections – read more about the meanings and intention behind the series.

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